Abdul Hamid Akhundzada


Message from the General Director of State-Owned Corporations
Considering that the General Directorate of State-Owned Enterprises is the Secretary of the Supervisory Board of State-Owned Enterprises, the Board of Directors of the General Directorate of State-Owned Corporations, as a coordinating office, has a consistent approach to supporting the activities, work processes and financial situation of state-owned companies Monitors companies’ progress. Previously, state-owned companies operated as enterprises and suffered from a number of problems. One of the previous problems of enterprises was that each enterprise was related to a specific government agency. Therefore, in order to create a positive change in this sector, the law on state-owned companies was drafted so that companies can operate better and gradually achieve financial self-sufficiency.
The view of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, especially the Ministry of Finance, is to support state-owned companies to operate independently and increase their business capacity.
Our effort is to provide the necessary facilities for companies in the relevant sectors so that companies can benefit and spend the income they earn from this sector to purchase modern equipment and increase their professional and production capacities in order to benefit. And contribute to the national budget of the country.